
The 'Do you have the GUTS?' hackathon at the University of Glasgow in 2018.

Do you have the GUTS? 2018

Our team took part in the Glasgow University Computer Science department annual hackathon. The even is sponsored by many high profile tech companies including: Amazon AWS, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Twilio, IBM, Verint, and Tennants :beer:.

Goldman Sachs Challenge

Goldman Sachs advertised a challenge to Build an interesting personnal assistant.

The Annoyatron

We won 1st place in the Goldman Sachs challenge :star:! After winning the previous year’s challenge, we took the prize home again!

Our personal assistant is rich with text to speech, speech recognition, and image processing for giving advice on weather, sleep schedules, and more! However, with a twist… The Annoyatron’s number 1 goal is to frustrate and annoy its users through pestering the user to go to bed after dark, witty comments about the weather, and cheeky responses!

Our app combines image processing, weather query APIs, speech recognition, and text-to-speech.


Our code for the 3 day event, can be found here: GUTS 2018.